Talerian, Inc.

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jQuery noInput

The project is hosted at: https://github.com/HaroldSHenry/noInput.

This plugin is for hiding and re-showing inline label text like "(don't know)" within an empty HTML <input> or <textarea> element to give significance to a blank field. It has essentially the same functionality as the HTML 5 'placeholder' attribute, but it also lets you style the placeholder text.


You may sometimes want to indicate what leaving an <input> or <textarea> element blank indicates. This plugin places text that you specify within the element and then hides it when the element gets focus and when it has content. The result is an inline label like this:

  1. You can find supporting CSS in jquery-noInput.css that styles the label.iLbl class as an example. You will doubtless want to adjust it for the label class or classes you will use, and incorporate the results into your own CSS file:

      margin:2px 0 0 8px;
  2. In the <body> of your HTML page, wherever you want an <input> or <textarea> element with an inline label like "(don't know)", enclose the element and associated label in a <div> that has the CSS style position: relative;.

  3. You can apply a normal label to the input element, but in addition to that, add an empty <label> element with:

    • class equal to a class like "iLbl" that you style for the purpose, with the CSS position:absolute;.
    • for equal to the id of the input element in which it will appear
    • id equal to the id of that input element with the letter 'L' appended to the end
    • left in some cases set to a value that places the inline label at the desired horizontal position

    For example:

    <div style="position:relative">
      <label for="Lkn">The last king of Norway:</label>
      <label class="iLbl" for="Lkn" id="LknL"></label>
      <input id="Lkn" name="Lkn" />
  4. At the end of the HTML body, you can include the jquery-noInput.min.js Javascript file:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery-noInput.min.js"></script>

    Of course, since it's a simple script, you'll probably prefer to consolidate it into a .js file of your own, instead.

  5. Finally, use jQuery to apply noInput to every label of class .iLbl and pass it the "(don't know)" text that you want to appear when there is no content in the input element:

    <script type="text/javascript">$(".iLbl").noInput( "(don't know)" );</script>

The result is an <input> control that looks like this:


I suspect there may be better ways to accomplish some of what I'm doing here, and I'd much appreciate any help, corrections or suggestions!